Latest announcement strengthens climate finance pathways & opportunities for investor engagement & green bond market growth
What's it all about
International ratings & research agency Moody’s Investors Service (Moody’s) has announced they will be joining the Climate Bonds Initiative Partner Program.
Moody’s joins a diverse group of high profile organizations to partner with us to date in 2017 including investment managers Van Eck and M & G Investments, Dutch based NN Investment Partners and legal firm Norton Rose Fulbright. In addition, Deloitte France & Deloitte Luxembourg have joined the ranks of Approved Verifiers.
Partners assist in developing initiatives to grow investment in climate finance solutions, green finance markets and participate in different market development and information activities.
Who’s saying what?
Henry Shilling, Senior Vice President with Moody’s Investors Service:
“Our partnership with the Climate Bonds Initiative allows us to boost their efforts to advance the development of international definitions and standards for green bonds, conduct research and educate issuers, investors, and other market practitioners.”
“Green bond issuance will likely set another record this year, yet this momentum could be accelerated with the benefit of improved and consistently applied environmental disclosures and reporting.”
Sean Kidney, CEO Climate Bonds Initiative:
“Moody's has been looking at environmental risks, including climate change risks, for some years now. For example, they’ve published a cross sector analysis of environmental risks for 86 sectors with almost $68 trillion of rated debt. This is vital work for investors.”
“This partnership is a substantial opportunity to deepen our relationship and to work together to support the fixed income market in grappling with the challenges we face in addressing climate risks.”
“We both believe that 2017 is going to be a huge year for the global green bonds market; we believe it will be the year green sovereign bonds take centre stage.”
The Last Word
Momentum is everything and Moody’s coming on board has certainly given us a lift!
Their decision is another in a string of positivedevelopments from major market participantsduring early 2017.
Our 1st quarter greenbond issuance figures will soon be available, giving a measure of how this year is shaping up against the same period in 2016.
We’ll also be looking at the various growth predictions for the year ahead. Market size and diversity is an indicator that we are always measuring.
Meanwhile, as 2017 evolves we look forward to working with Moody’s on future projects. Welcome!
'Till next time,
Climate Bonds
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