Green Bond Pioneer Awards media digest – check out what media around the globe said about the winners.
After a few months break, we come back to you with the media digest.
And the occasion seems just right: March saw our 2017 Annual Conference and Green Bond Awards, recognizing institutions, companies and governments for their leadership in green finance.
Here’s our pick of the stories:
Bloomberg, Green Really Is Gold for These Bond Lovers, Anna Hirtenstein
A title that captures the spirit of “the biggest industry event of the year”, where 600 attendees from 40 countries participated in discussions about the future of the green bonds market.
Diversity of the issuance and “aggressive” growth predictions for 2017 are two main takeaways from the conference as picked up by the author. Apart from that, Anna Hirtenstein gives you a thorough breakdown of key trends that emerged at the conference.
“There’s about $100 trillion of institutional money in the world, and less than 1 percent is invested in anything green,” said Sheren, who is co-chair of the Group of 20’s Green Finance Study Group. “We have to make it palatable to institutional investors. Green bonds are the best instrument to do this.”
Reuters, From Africa to Asia, governments considering 'green' bond sales, John Geddie and Karin Strohecker
Authors of the Reuters article focus on the sovereign green bonds market with Poland and France at the forefront and Kenya and Nigeria queuing up to make a big entry.
"We have a huge pool of investors and you would hope that with time this would become a fashion. There is no other show in town, it has to be green," Njoroge said at the event hosted by London-based non-profit Climate Bonds Initiative (CBI).
International Financial Law Review, How to build a local green bond market, Lizzie Meager
Top-down support is central to building a local green bond market, according to speakers at an industry event in London this week.,Green bonds – on a Paris trajectory?, Ian Callaghan
We have already recommended you this great read from Ian Callaghan, who masterfully identifies the most important trends from the stack of topics that emerged during the conferences and blends them with some unmissable quotes from key speakers.
“That’s the win-win-win,” Kidney says. “The countries get the investment for the projects they need, the bond market gets its pipeline, Paris gets the more ambitious outcomes that are vital for the 1.5°C-2°C result. But all the actors aren’t on the stage yet, let alone having learnt their lines. We need to accelerate, we need to get the full cast assembled to get this show properly on the road.”
Medium, Green Bonds Need a Transformational Navigation Cockpit, Olaf Brugman
Dr Burgman, one of the conference panelists, starts his article with the ‘defining green’ argument and moves on to a question of ensuring, that green bonds deliver ‘more demonstrated positive environmental impacts’.
In other words, the navigation tools and management information is available, we just need to connect the dots and wire them differently to make green finance standards communities more effective and transformational tools.
Inside Financial & Risk, Green Bonds take centre stage despite Trump’s climate change agenda
Author talks about the conference, in the context of uncertainties posed by the new America’s president’s views on climate. He arguments that despite the new circumstances, the investors’ desire for green products does not waver.
The Covered Bond Report, ECBC conceives green label as collateral, economics scrutinized
At the conference, Jennifer Johnson of the European Covered Bond Council revealed body’s plans for introducing green covered bond label.
It is working on a Energy Efficient Mortgages (EEM) Initiative aimed at creating blueprint for loans incentivizing improvements in properties’ energy efficiency (…)
Bonds & Loans, CBK Governor on the Trump Effect, Banking Sector Risks, and the Promise of Green Finance
Interview with Central Bank of Kenya governor conducted at the conference, among others, covers the role, green bonds may play in Kenya’s public sector finance strategy.
We are coming at this from the perspective of financial stability, and the impact on the banking institutions themselves. We need to assess the risks and challenges these instruments present to the industry. We also believe that if green bonds or other sustainable finance instruments are managed correctly, they can have a profoundly positive affect on the country.
You can also read about the event in the Responsible Investor’s March’s green bond round-up.
Local media extensively covered the awards granted to local institutions, companies and governments.
Read more about the winners from China, Poland, Mexico, Colombia and others in your own language.
China’s issued $36 billion of green bonds in 2016 that makes up about a third of the market. Various Chinese institutions were recognized at the Green Bonds Pioneer Awards and country’s central bank received the Innovative Regulator Award.
People’s Bank of China – Innovative Regulator
Hainan Ribao, 中国央行荣获 绿色债券创新监管奖,中国央行荣获绿色债券创新监管奖
Sina, 中国央行荣获绿色债券创新监管奖
Recognition Certificate: Shanghai Stock Exchange
Hexun, 上交所绿色债券市场取得明显进展
China Securities News, 上交所绿色债券市场取得明显进展
Mexico was recognized in two areas: Largest Non-Financial Corporate Green Bond awarded to Grupo Aeroportuaro Ciudad de Mexico and Regional Sub-Sovereign won by Mexico City (LatAm).
We have also granted a Recognition Certificate to country’s stock exchange. Lots of media attention!
El Economista, CDMX, premiada por emision de bono verde
Cities Today, Mexico City wins green bond award
“I wish to thank the Climate Bonds Initiative for its recognition of Mexico City for being the first city in Latin America to issue a green bond and for taking actions to tackle climate change in a decisive and innovative way as a local government.” said Miguel Ángel Mancera Espinosa, Mayor of Mexico City.
Mexico Embassy in the UK, Mayor of Mexico City Receives Award in London
Development Finance, Mexico City wins green bond award
Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores, Mayor of Mexico City Recieves award in London
La Jornada, Grupo Aeroportuario Recibe premio por construccion de NAICM
Televisa.NEWS (video), Fomentan Los bonos verdes en la BMV
Noticias MVS, Recibe Mancera premio green bond awards 2017 para la CDMX
El Universal, NAICM recibe reconocimiento por emision de bonos verdes
Almomento, Macera recibe premio, ‘green bond awards’ en londres
Almomento, Macera recibe premio, ‘Green Bond Awards’ en Londres
Citiscope,Lessons from Mexico City’s green bond, the first municipal issuance in Latin America
Capital21, Jefe de gobierno de la CDMX recibe en Londres el Green Bond Awards 2017
El Plural Mx, Recibe Mancera premio Green Bond Awards 2017 para la CDMX
El Mundo de Poza Rica, Recibirá Mancera premio Green Bonds Awards 2017 en Londres
Debate MX, Mancera recibió premio Green Bonds Awards 2017 en Londres
Yo Campesino, Macera recibe premio, ‘Green Bond Awards’ en Londres
Publimetro, Otorgan a Mancera premio por lucha contra cambio climático
Poland’s award in the First Sovereign Green Bond category was broadly reported by the local media. The bond’s significance is strengthened by the fact that it was issued by a coal-reliant economy. Deputy Finance Minister Piotr Nowak who received the award signaled Poland plans further sovereign green issuance in 2017.
Polish Radio English Section, Poland given award for green bonds issue
“This honour shows that the Polish government cares about balanced economic and social development and green project development,” Poland’s Deputy Finance Minister Piotr Nowak said.
Embassy of the Republic of Poland in London, Poland Receives Green Bond Pioneer Award
Polish Press Agency,Polska Nagrodzona w Londynie za Zielone Obligacje
Interia, Polska Nagrodzona W Londynie Za Zielone Obligacje
Finanse, Polska Nagrodzona w Londynie za Zielone Obligacje
Obserwator Finansowy, Polska Nagrodonza w Londynie za Zielone Obligacje
mPolska24, Polska Nagrodonza w Londynie za Zielone Obligacje
Stooq, Polska Nagrodzona w Lonynie za Zielone Obligacje, MF planuje kolejna emisje w tym roku
Polskie Radio, Polska Pierwsza Wyemitowala Zielone Obligacje. Nagroda w Londynie
Niezalezna, Polski rzad nagrodzony. Zrobilismy to pierwsi na swiecie!
Poland-Ministry of Finance, Polska Nagrodzona za Nowatorska emisje obligacji prosrodowiskowych
CIRE, Polska Nagrodzona w Londynie za zielone obligacje
Wiadomosci Polska,Polska nagrodzona w Londynie za zielone obligacje
Biznes Polska,Polska nagrodzona w londynie za zielone obligacje, MF planuje koljna emisje w tym roku
Prasowki, Polska Nagrodzona w Londynie Za zielone Obligacje
eLondyn, Polska nagrodzona w londynie za zielone obligacje
El Mundo, Banco Nacional recibe reconocimiento por liderar finanzas en favor del ambiente
El Economista, Bancolombia, primer banco privado de Latinoamérica en emitir bonos verdes
El Pilon, Corpocesar quiere convertir al Cesar en agente ambiental
L’Economiste, Masen au «Green Bond Pioneer Awards»
La Tribune, Masen décorée aux « Green Bond Pioneer Awards »
Le Matin, Le Maroc représenté par Masen, primé à Londres
Energies Environnement, MASEN : Primé, à Londres, lors du Green Bond Pionner Awards
Obvion, Obvion Wint Internationale Award Voor ‘Groene Funding’
MuniFin, MuniFin Receives Climate Bonds Initiative’s 2017 Green Bond Pioneer Award
CICERO, CICERO Awarded for Green Bond Work
Alpha Trains, Alpha Trains Honoured with the Green Bond Pioneer Award
Monash University, Prestigious global financial award for Monash University
Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, Somos el primer Banco en Centroamérica en recibir el premio Green Bond Award
Strasser Capital/MEP Werke, MEP Werke und Strasser Capital erhalten Auszeichnung von der Climate Bonds Initiative
London Stock Exchange, LSEG Receives Certificate of Recognition By Climate Bonds
The Fifth State, Australia Recognised at Green Bond Pioneer Awards
The Last Word
Congratulations again to all recipients. We’ll be holding next year’s awards in conjunction with our 2018 Annual Conference in the first quarter of next year.
Till next time,
Climate Bonds
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