Just over a week to go till the Climate Bonds Conference & 3rd Annual Green Bond Pioneer Awards. There’s still time to register.
And here’s some of our Specialist Roundtables on the big issues that are worth a second look.
What’s it all about?
Tuesday 20th March is the day of Plenaries and Breakouts and Tuesday night are the Pioneer Awards.
Wednesday 21st March will see Specialist Roundtables being held throughout the City of London.
Some are now filled to capacity and some we’ve moved to new venues.
These are ones are worth a second look:
8:30-11:00 Roundtables:
Currency hedging for emerging markets (moderated by Ruurd Brouwer, TCX)
Training: How to issue a green bond; how to verify
12:00-14:30 Roundtables:
The Paris 1.5°c target - What it means for green bonds
Roundtable on aggregation solutions in emerging markets
Roundtable on climate risk for fund managers, in conjunction with the PRI
15:30-18:00 Roundtables:
International developments on standardisation and green definitions
Speakers include:
Christophe McGlade, IEA
Michiel Schaeffer, Climate Analytics
John Ward, Vivid Economics
Sir David King (formerly UK Government Special Advisor on Climate Change)
Anderson Caputo Silva, World Bank
Cedric Rimbaud, UNESCAP
Segei Strigo, Amundi AM, to mention a few.
Don't miss it!
Check the Full Agenda. You can register here. The NGO discount is still open.
See you then!
‘Till next time
Climate Bonds